Snippets from the mind of an American hero. Random observations about life, love, fishing, dementia, music, sports, and yodeling. General strangeness. Intellectual badassery.
I’d like to announce my candidacy
I’d appreciate it if you vote for me
I wanna be Vice President
(Vote for me!)
If I was Vice President, know what I’d do?
Pretty much anything I wanted to!
(Vote for me! Vote for me!)
I’d have a first class seat on Air Force One
An awesome pad in Washington, D.C.
(If you vote for me)
I’d play golf all day with heads of state
If they brought beer, wouldn’t that be great?
I can’t wait!
(Vote for me! Vote for me!)
Here’s my campaign policy
Legislation! Education!
Occupation! Arbitration!
Modernization! Legalization!
Immigration! United Nations!
Integration! Restoration!
Imitation! Hospitalization!
Space Station! Accusation!
Every Nation Violation!
Compensation! Realization!
Well, there’s an awful lot of issues important to me
Here’s my campaign policy
Legislation! Education!
Occupation! Arbitration!
Modernization! Legalization! Immigration! United Nations!
Integration! Restoration!
Imitation! Hospitalization!
Space Station! Accusation!
Every Nation Violation!
Compensation! Realization!
I’m freakin’ out! Vote for me! Vote for me!
Well, it’s the land of the brave, and home of the free
That’s the funny thing about democracy
A vote for me is a vote for me!
Vote for me!
Hey, vote for me!
(Vote! Vote! Vote!)
Today on Dances With Bass Radio, we are pulling a deep cut—yet entirely apropos—from a long-lost album, Songs For a Dying Planet by Joe Walsh. While Vote for Me enjoyed its 15 minutes (more like five) minutes of fame, it quickly passed into obscurity, as did Walsh’s solo career for nearly 20 years afterward. Funnily enough, the song’s message wasn’t a joke…Walsh actually did run for President in 1980 (though he wasn’t old enough, by law, for the office) and “lost” to Ronald Reagan, even though Walsh planned to make Life’s Been Good the new national anthem.
Rev. Goat Carson, 1992 presidential candidate
Not to be detoured, in 1992, Walsh was Reverend Goat Carson’s presidential running mate. Vice President with Rev. Goat Carson with the slogans “Free Toilet Paper for Everyone!” and “We Want Our Money Back!” The Carson-Walsh ticket ran as “The Blues Party” and garnered 100,000 votes. You might remember that he lost to Bill Clinton.
As you might be quick to observe, our esteemed (and much beloved musically) Mr. Walsh was not, um, well, sober when he made either bid for office. In 1993, Walsh changed all that, found sobriety, and started a new chapter in his life with the newly reformed Eagles. He’s been sober since.
DWB Radio’s sources cannot confirm whether Mr. Walsh has designs on the office in 2020. If either of the likely candidates in the November election are actually elected President, we might all be wishing Walsh had brought his “Free Toilet Paper for Everyone!” promise to us in 2016. He could’ve won in a landslide.
No official video was made, but here is an audio-only performance: